In case you have particular preferences those can be taken into account during the display of these Web pages in the future. However, to make this work some "key=value" pairs need to be registered with your browser, or simply put -- some appropriate "Cookies" have to be set.
Put your menu to the left or to the right as shown below:
Standard is a layout with the navigation menu to the left.
Cookie: "layout=[links|rechts]
Select the color sheme gray, white, or Matrix.
Standard is the color scheme white.
Cookie: "style=[gray|white|matrix]
< > Gallery page 1 of 6 with 42 images total |
graphics/Yin-Yang.png | graphics/Yin-Yang.png | graphics/Yin-Yang.png | graphics/Yin-Yang.png |
graphics/Yin-Yang.png | graphics/Yin-Yang.png | graphics/Yin-Yang.png | graphics/Yin-Yang.png |
© 2002 Dirk Ritter |
Standard is a gallery layout with a width of up to four collumns.
Cookie: "maxcol=[1-6]
Standard is a gallery layout with a length of up to three rows.
Cookie: "maxrow=[2-6]
Site design: Dirk Ritter --   Page last modified on: 04/23/04 -- Server powered by